My friend Stacy's bridal shower was a hoot! Check out her cake, it matches her hats!
The shower was literally down the street from Michael Jackson's mansion. What a scene. It's hard to escape the man. The day of his death, I was outside the LA Coroner's office by coincidence at midnight and no one was there, it was creepy. Also, I had just purchased 'Who's Lovin' You' as an MP3 and gotten the 'Off the Wall' CD as a gift. Coincidence or premonition? [Insert Thriller music here]
On Friday night, French New Wave film maker Agnes Varda screened "The Gleaners and I Parts 1 and 2" in Santa Monica and got all directorial on this photo. Hence, her eyes ended being up closed.
Some of my pals yukkin' it up at Lindsey's birthday party- Here's the bird-egg girl!
Paloma and Tamala-
Kitty and Anna-
A coupla weeks prior, I took pics at the Bahooka (100s of fish tanks in a tiki maze of a restaurant, see 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas') with some of the Metalocalypse crew-
This is Rufus the 34 yr. old fish that eats carrots for kicks-
An optimistic grad carrying a big cat-
Why is this walrus brushing his teeth? What is Jamie doing down there? So many of life's great mysteries go unsolved. Inquiring minds want to know...